Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Holidays

Happy Holidays

"We all enjoy giving and receiving presents. But there is a difference between presents and gifts. The true gifts may be part of ourselves—giving of the riches of the heart and mind—and therefore more enduring and of far greater worth than presents bought at the store.
"Of course, among the greatest of gifts is the gift of love....
"Some, like Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens's A Christmas Carol, have a hard time loving anyone, even themselves, because of their selfishness. Love seeks to give rather than to get. Charity towards and compassion for others is a way to overcome too much self-love"
-James E. Faust

Our first Utah Christmas was a success.

The lady made me pose like that, okay?!
I am so blessed to have such an amazing immediate family and extended family. We're crazy and some times we act like we don't get along.. and sometimes we don't--but we still love each other. Wouldn't trade my family and their funniness for anything in the world.

New Years

I always make New Years resolutions but I never actually achieve them so I decided to make New Years goals.

1. Search for people who need friends.. and be their friend.
2. Be more patient
3. Save money in all areas it can be saved
4. Study, understand, and share the gospel
5. Prepare for marriage

I'm so thankful for everyone I know. I have had such an amazing year. Lots of ups and downs but I know that everything happens for a reason. I'm so excited to see what 2014 will bring.
Happy New Year everyone!

Thanks for reading,

Monday, December 2, 2013

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving, November 2013

This year I am especially grateful for my Grandfather, Earl Brock.

My grandfather was a true disciple of Christ. Not only did he bare testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, he showed his testimony of the gospel through his example. He loved his enemies. He loved strangers. He loved everyone. He did everything he could to serve others. He worked hard. He gave his children and grandchildren everything they could have possibly needed and wanted. His entire life was dedicated to serving others and providing for his family. He was the ultimate father and grandfather. I am so incredibly thankful and blessed to have known Earl Brock. I am so incredibly thankful and blessed to have been one of Earl Brock's grandchildren. Before he passed away I made him one promise: to get married in an LDS temple. Because of my grandfather's example of getting married in the temple and having a successful marriage, I will get married in the temple. Temple marriage allows eternal families. I am so thankful for my grandfather's example and his desire to have an eternal family because I know my family and my future family will be together forever. I know I will see my grandfather again and I'm so thankful that I know I can be with my family forever.

I am so blessed to have the best family in the world.
I am so grateful to have the gospel of Jesus Christ because it brings me happiness.

On a less serious note, a couple of these things are a bit more humorous. 
And may I just point out #11. You're welcome for that, by the way.

It's impossible to write down everything I'm thankful for. But to sum it all up.. I'm thankful for


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This Is Happening

I'm a blogger AND a redhead?

...what is this world coming to?

I guess I had to blog eventually. I am Mormon, and I just turned 20.. I feel like if I didn't blog I would be frowned upon in my Mormon culture.

Honestly, I'm not really sure why I decided to do this. It's weird. But exhilarating, I guess.


So there are three days of the year that I love. My birthday, my friend's birthdays, and Christmas. I love celebrating with people and I love parties. My birthday was about a week ago, and it was fun. My friends and I went to dinner and just hung out and watched the bachelor. I seriously have the sweetest friends! I had the best birthday ever. What did I get? Love. Haha, jk.. well I did get some lovin' but I treated myself to FORM.. the salon where I got my hair done. I have been wanting to do this for a long time I just had no idea what color I was going to choose. I absolutely loved my blonde hair but I like crazy and spontaneous changes.. hence the reddish brownish blondish hair. Let's just say I'm not used to it yet, and people don't recognize me. But I have gotten smarter, which is nice.


So this is AmyJo ;

Isn't she a babe?! 

She is graduating from BYU-I and she asked to me to 
take pictures for her graduation announcement. 
She's the cutest, funniest, and sweetest girl ever. 
And boys... she's single too ;) 

Dis b ma roommate & best friend Ashley ;

She's a babe.

And a model.
I kinda like her.

Thanks for reading!